Equality and Diversity
Swindon Equality Coalition and Voluntary Action Swindon, working with Swindon’s diverse communities to ensure Swindon becomes a beacon for equality of access and opportunity for all.
Equality in Swindon
Voluntary Action Swindon (VAS) is committed to advancing equality and inclusion in Swindon. To do this, we work closely with Swindon Borough Council (SBC) and across the local voluntary sector to build networks, raise awareness, and take action where needed.
Reaching out to and engaging with diverse groups and people in Swindon is something we are often asked about – here is the Coalition’s information sheet: Community Consultation Considerations.
As well as setting our own agenda, we are commissioned by SBC to provide advice and support to help the council deliver its equality and inclusion duties.
Swindon Equality Coalition
Our big focus to achieve these these goals is the Swindon Equality Coalition (SEC), for which VAS provides support and administration. SEC is a network of people and organisations with a shared goal of promoting and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the Borough.
The coalition highlights positive change and good practice, questions and challenges decision-makers, to ensure Swindon becomes a beacon for equality of access and opportunity. You can more about the coalition and it’s core group about document …and some of the activities we got involved in are mentioned in our newsletter.
A forum for young people in Swindon
Young people’s voices around equality and inclusion have never been more important. VAS has been working with youth organisations from around Swindon to develop Swindon Youth Voice – a project to build skills and confidence of young people, and make sure their voices are heard.
Following the initial meetings in 2020 and 2021, as well as a survey of young people (over 100 replied) and focus groups, we submitted a funding proposal to the National Lottery for a 4-year grand to fund the project. The successful application means we now have a project manager in place and – as of April 2023 – the project is underway.
Join the coalition
Membership of the Swindon Equality Coalition is open to people and organisations living or working in Swindon and sharing the coalition’s mission. You can join the coalition by a simple email to equality@vas-swindon.org
Members will receive regular updates and news by email – SEC members are encouraged to raise issues and share ideas, particularly related to local communities and specific protected characteristics. We will be asking our members to get involved with consultations, events and campaigns – let us know your ideas.