Stoptober 2022
We are fast approaching Stoptober, the national stop smoking campaign encouraging smokers to kick the habit for good and we wanted to share the relevant resources/information to encourage as much support as possible for the campaign across Swindon. Stoptober has already helped over two million people make a quit attempt. Evidence shows that people who quit smoking for 28 days are five times more likely to quit for good, so by quitting for the month of October, smokers are more likely to stop smoking permanently.
There has never been a better time for smokers to quit. With the current cost of living crisis, the average smoker could save at least £140 each month (£1680 per year) by quitting.
Many people try to quit smoking with willpower alone, but chances of success are much higher with the right help/support. There are lots of support options available:
- Accessing a Personal Quit Plan, a self-help tool that can help plan a quit and access the right support
- Downloading the NHS Smokefree app, which is free to download and helps track progress, money saved and access to daily support
- A Stoptober Facebook group is available for contact with other smokers also attempting a quit
- Smokers are three times more likely to quit via a local stop smoking service. They can access support via their GP or local pharmacy. Smokers can also self-refer by contacting swindon.stopsmoking@nhs.net
- To be sent free Stoptober resources for your organisation email swindon.stopsmoking@nhs.net
- Swindon now has a weekly drop in clinic (on a Wednesday) at Sanford House for anyone looking for advice and support on quitting smoking. Find out more information here
- If you are talking to smokers about making a behaviour change, you can access a free virtual training module on how to make every contact count here
- Talking to smokers about quitting can often provide an opportunity to signpost people to other resources for support, such as support with finances or help with mental health. To find out what support is available for residents, try a free signposting website MECC Link with key signposting to better health and wellbeing across Swindon and Wiltshire.