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Get Swindon Active Strategy

Swindon Borough Council are launching their new physical activity strategy, the Get Swindon Active strategy, and are inviting partners to the launch. 

You are invited to attend the launch of the new Get Swindon Active (GSA) strategy 2022-2025, on Monday 3 October 2022 at Foundation Park, Swindon, SN1 2FD, 11.00 – 13.00.

The event will start with Professor Steve Maddern, Director of Public Health and Councillor Brian Ford, Cabinet Member for Adult Health and Social Care, introducing the event and outlining the strategy and what it aims to achieve.

There will be motivational speakers and people with “Lived Experiences” who were helped by programmes that are currently running in the Town. The Mayor, Councillor Abdul Amin, will attend and will try different bikes in the cycling ‘wheels for all’ session.

There will be information stalls on Active Travel and the Livewell team will give advice on local activities. There will also be led cycle rides.

Members of the Public Health team will be at the event to discuss the strategy with partners who are attending.

The main aims of the new strategy are:
• To increase physical activity and movement for Swindon residents, with a particular focus on those groups who are less active.
• To remove the barriers to physical activity and movement so that everyone in Swindon is able to be active.
• In the long run, to improve the health and well-being of our Swindon population.

The strategy emphasises the importance of working together with partners and building capacity with local organisations. Delivering action will focus on exercise that can be built in everyday life. We will also support partners, including schools, to encourage physical activity and movement in children, such as including being active in their daily routine, and encourage employers to promote healthy workplaces.

If you would like to attend the event, please email Nyree Kingsbury, Public Health, to confirm your attendance.
