Advice & Financial First Aid Project Lead at Citizens Advice Swindon
Salary: £27,741 pro rata (actual £18,744)
Hours: 25 hours per week
Contract: Initially 2 year fixed term
Do you care about people and want to make a difference to their lives by helping them to take control of their finances in these very uncertain times?
Well…it’s what we do at Citizens Advice Swindon, and we are responding to the current Cost of Living Crisis with an exciting new project taking advice and financial support into the very heart of the Swindon community: The Advice and Financial First Aid (AFFA) Project.
You’ll be part of the Citizens Advice network, fully supported and encouraged to make a difference.
You’ll help create the project, produce training materials, recruit staff and volunteers, train them and help get them close to those needing our support.
You’ll be liaising with organisations and individuals who are embedded in our society, close to those needing assistance: Local authority (social services, public health, housing etc.), the job centre, schools, health and social care providers and charities enabling them to support their local residents, clients and service users get the advice and financial support they need.
We’ll be impressed by your project management and people skills. Your ability to use your creativity and enthusiasm to take first line responsibility for developing the service from the ground up and ensuring it’s delivered at “grass roots” level.
Closing date for applications: 22nd March 2022 5pm
Interview date: 30th March 2022
For an application pack email:
Job Pack available at