Education Business Partnership - Student mentoring

Are you someone that reached your career goals via a non-conventional route, or have an inspiring story to tell about your education journey or are just someone who has lots of patience and understanding? Then you could be perfect as a mentor for 12 Swindon based students who could really benefit from hearing your stories and learning the art of conversing with adults who are not their parents or teachers.
The Education Business Partnership, who are a not-for-profit organisation working in schools across Berkshire, Wiltshire & Oxfordshire, are partnering with the Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub to find local people who can give up some time to motivate and inspire these young people and support them in tasks such as completing further education applications, interview guidance and general communication techniques. All meetings would take place during school hours, would be supervised by a teacher and could be a mixture of online and in person.
Mentors would only need to commit to 4 meetings between now and Summer 2024 but this small amount of commitment could directly impact and change the course of a young persons life. Please contact Georgina at the Education Business Partnership on for more details.